Be your dog's hero! - This simple E-book gives you 5 different, simple, quick, and highly effective activities that all dogs of all breeds, all ages, all sizes, all temperament, and all levels of training will love simply because they are a dog. Knowledge is power and with this knowledge, you can be your dog's hero!
Pet Pals is, first and foremost, your assistance in living the life you want while having the loved, well cared for, and well-behaved pets you deserve! This means, having a pet no longer means limiting your lifestyle. And not limiting your lifestyle no longer means having unhealthy or poorly behaved pets. Pet Pals is here for you! This e-book is one of the ways we do that for you. Your pet will thank you!
Enriching your dog's environment is a critical part of you creating and maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle for your pet kid(s). And one that doesn't have to be time consuming, expensive, difficult, or frustrating. These 5 activities, are simple and fun. And even better, Pet Pal Keli uses text, pictures, and videos to quickly guide you through these fun and stimulating activities that equate to your ability to enrich your dog.
5 activities for $5 and change the way you look at and interact with your dog(s). 5 ways to deepen your relationship with your dog(s) in a way that is meaningful to them. 5 ways to impress your friends and family with your dog skills and ability to teach them to be their dog's hero! High-five on deciding to be your dog's hero! Your Pet Will Thank You!