Pet Pals routinely offers "Pet Pals Styled Studio Holiday Photo Mini Sessions" for people and families to bring their pets. Photos are taken by a Pet Pals Dog Expert that speaks your dog's language!
Most recently, Pet Pals took out the weather factor and upped the ante with the pet factor by bringing Clients inside a beautiful brand new state of the art natural light studio by Maddie Peschong! The back drops were breathtaking and Christmas family photos taken by a Pet Pals Dog Expert were fun for for everyone!
Pet Pals does more than Holiday Mini Sessions. There's a Pet Pal for all of your pet related photography needs.
Great for weddings, holidays, special events/occasions, and more. Many hire Pet Pals to simply have great pictures of their dog(s)! Simply contact Pet Pals for more information and we'll guide you from there.
Pet Pal Clients that have photo sessions done by a Pet Pals Dog Expert have their own dedicated and private online portfolio! To access, Pet Pals will email you a link or simply select the URL above and add "/[first name and first initial of your last name]".
...And then key the password provided by Pet Pals and it will take your directly to your dedicated page to view and/or download your pictures as often as you'd like. Additionally, these dedicated portfolios are completely separate from Client accounts. So Clients can share their portfolio with anyone they want and not have to worry about sharing private service or store purchase information.