Day 15 and 16 is sponsored by Pet Pals!
For every 25 likes Pet Pals will donate something off the wish list for the Help a Pet In Need Drive! All you have to do is like this post on
Pet Pals Facebook page and you will help donate something to Pets in Need!!!!!! For additional entry, which will count as a like, comment a name of an animal rescue! Of course, tagging a friend in the comments under this days photo on Pet Pals Facebook page will count as an additional entry aka like! How many likes can Day 15 & 16 get?!!!
THANK YOU for Helping a Pet In Need!!! WOOF WOOF ( that is thank you in dog language!)
If you would like to donate something off of the wish list here is the complete wish list and details.
Thank you! You've been added to the Pet Pals distribution.