Blog Post

National Walk Your Pet Month

Pet Pals LLC • January 15, 2020

Importance of Walks and Tips for an awesome walk!

Did you know January is “National Walk Your Pet Month?” (No really, it is.) Pet Pals wants to take this time to talk about the importance walks are for your dog!

Around this time every year we’re all staring down the barrel of our resolutions, but what would your dog wish for if he could set his own goals? Our guess: More walks, since active dogs are happier, healthier, and better behaved.

Want to get out there more but just can’t seem to make it happen? Here are some concrete suggestions for making walks a more regular part of your routine.

1. Learn the Right Way to Walk

Um…I already know how to walk?? you’re saying right now. And of course you do! But believe it or not there’s a right way and a wrong way to walk your dog. If you’re doing it improperly, you may inadvertently making the whole experience less pleasurable for both of you. The more you like walking your dog, the more you’ll make a point to do it.

Leash training is a simple process but requires consistency. Once you teach your dog how to “loose leash” walk, all that annoying pulling will be history.

2. Know Your Different Walk Types

Dogs need to walk for four distinct reasons: elimination, exercise, stimulation, and training. It’s important to remember (and easy to forget!) that every walk doesn’t have to satisfy all these reasons. In fact, setting up a routine where walks are purposeful can help you stick with it.

Elimination walks - These are usually short and to the point, and that’s okay as long as they’re not the only walks your dog gets!

Stimulation walks - are for your dog’s benefit – go at his pace and stop to let him smell the roses.

Exercise walks - are usually long, tiring, and good for both you and your dog…aim to do one of these a day if possible.

Training walks - Those can happen when you need them to. Ideally all walks will incorporate the training principles you and your dog have worked on.

3. Set Your Alarm

No one likes rolling out of bed to walk their dog. But a morning walk is important for your pup, particularly if you’re gone most of the day. Setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier with the express purpose of taking your dog on a walk (or a longer walk) helps you set a healthful routine.

It helps to make these morning jaunts something to look forward to. Is there a coffee shop you can walk by to get your fix every day? Or maybe you use the time to listen to podcasts or chat with a friend in a different timezone? Time is a precious commodity for all of us but time spent being physically active is never time wasted.

4. Create a Shared Goal

Odds are, your dog is getting overweight. It happens. Walking is the absolute best way to help manage your dog’s weight which can ultimately extend his life by years. Slow and steady is the way to build up a walking routine for a dog who’s become largely sedentary.

Walking your dog more can help you hit your own fitness goals, too. Set yourself a milestone for steps you want to take in a day, or even miles to walk in a week. Once you’ve met that goal, set another. Gamifying walks is an excellent way to make them something you enjoy, not something you dread.

5. Hire a Dog Walker from Pet Pals

No one said you have to be the one to walk your dog every time! If you simply can’t dedicate any more of your schedule to walking your dog than you already do, stop feeling guilty and bite the bullet. Dog walkers are less expensive than you think and they’re a simple way to get your dog much-needed exercise and mental stimulation.

Forming a bond with a dog walker is actually a really positive thing for a dog. The right walker can help your dog become less anxious, or even more social. And don’t think of dog walkers as all-or-nothing propositions. Having a walker come two days a week is better than none at all.

You are are ready to walk your dog, here are Pet Pals Dog Mentorship Programs 3 favorite ways to make dog-walking feel more enjoyable and less like a chore!

​1. Get yourself ready first.

No matter what time of day you take our walk make sure you are in some super comfy workout or ‘athleisure’ outfit. This includes comfy shoes, appropriate clothing for the weather, and (Pet Pal Keli wears yellow Oakley) sunglasses. It makes the whole walk more enjoyable and you can focus more your pup and less on yourself.

3. Try a shorter leash.

We understand a longer leash or a retractable one can seem more freeing, but they can be so dangerous in the long run. When we are by the street we keep the pet pals on a 4-6ft leash so they are out of harm of spontaneous cars, hazardous waste on the streets and other dogs. Some pet pals would seriously say hello to every pup on the street if allowed and others want nothing to do with others. The reality is, not every dog is friendly and it is way safer to keep him or her in close proximity to you for those ‘uh oh’ moments.

3. The nose goes.

Stops and smells a bush, stop to check this tree mail,mark that mailbox, smell that plant or just the cement… like every five seconds. This can be so frustrating. We all attempt for a nice peaceful walk like we see in commercials. The reality is… pups noses are no joke! One of the best things you can do is, don’t pull! This will make your dog confused and stay put even more. Try bringing a squeaky toy or make a noise to distract them. To help alleviate this habit work on "it is time to go" or "lets keep going" commands on your training walks. Believe it or not letting your furry friend have this special time will totally help mentally stimulate them and wear them out even more than just exercise!

Walking your dog regularly provides a basic foundation for physical and mental health. Like a child, your dog wants to know the world. If he or she is confined to the house for too long, your dog will get bored, and boredom can lead to destructive behavior. Your dog is dependent on you to take them out to explore the sights, smells, and sounds of the world. Pet Pals is here for you! Call or text us if you need assistance 605-999-1355. Yes, we will help you with your dog that pulls or has lots to say to others on a walk.

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