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10 Tips For a Pet Friendly 4th of July!

Pet Pals, LLC • July 3, 2019

While watching and/or lighting fireworks, grilling, and all the ways we celebrate our great country with friends and family are relaxing and fun to us; not all of the things we enjoy about Independence Day are necessarily as much fun for our four-legged friends. Additionally, we often love for our pets to do what we do, however and while you may want to invite your dog(s) or other pets to join in the festivities, check out these tips first before including them in this holiday and then do what's best for your pet. Your pet will thank you!

Loud noises and large crowds can be scary for animals, making fireworks not really their thing. According to the American Humane Society, the 5th of July is the busiest day of the year for most shelters.

Ensuring your dog(s) outside are attended and/or leashed is especially important around the 4th. Many say it is best to have your pets inside well before it gets dark. Even outdoor cats should be brought inside for the night. Also, helping to ensure your pet(s) feel safe from the loud noises and flashes of light while inside is always a great idea too.

If you know that your pets are startled by loud noises, then have someone stay at home with them if you end up leaving the house to celebrate the holiday.

Close up your house - scared animals are great escape artists and will find a way out.

To lessen the startling boom of fireworks, leave on the TV or radio for background noise.

Make sure your animals are wearing ID tags and if they're microchipped that the information is up to date.

Contact a veterinarian before the holiday if you believe your pets should be have medication.

If you do lose your pet, don't wait to start looking. Knock on doors, call your local shelter, and post lost pet notices on social media pages.

Don't leave alcoholic beverages where animals can reach them. Pets get drunk too and it's not fun or safe for them.

Keep matches, lighter fluid, and citronella products out of reach. All contain chemicals that can be dangerous for pets should be unattainable by them.

Glow jewelry can be fun for after-dark festivities, but they don't mix well with pets. The luminescent chemicals can cause gastrointestinal irritation and you don't want them eating the plastic tubing and connectors either.

Remember your pets this 4th while celebrating our nation's birth and all the greatness that makes us Americans. Remember too that fireworks aren't the only Fourth of July issue to consider. Keep an eye on your pet(s) all day long and everyone is sure to have a blast!

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